The Power of Permission: How to Safeguard Your Mobile App Experience

The Power of Permission

In today’s digital landscape, mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives, offering convenience, entertainment, and connectivity at our fingertips. However, with this convenience comes a responsibility to ensure our privacy and security are not compromised. One crucial aspect of maintaining control over your data and mitigating cyber threats is by keeping a vigilant eye on mobile app permissions.

Understanding Mobile App Permissions

Mobile app permissions are the rules and settings that allow apps to access various features and data on your device. These permissions range from access to your camera, microphone, location, contacts, and even your device’s storage. Apps request these permissions to provide certain functionalities, such as photo editing, navigation, or social networking.

Editing App Permissions on Android Devices

To check the permissions that an app has on an Android device, access Apps within the phone Settings. Within the Apps click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner to access Permission manager. Within this window you can see various permissions. Click on the permission you’d like to manage access for, such as Microphone and review which apps have access. To remove any app from the selected permission, simply click on the app name and select Don’t allow.

Editing App Permissions on Apple Devices

Checking the app permissions within iOS is slightly different than Android. To edit app permissions, navigate to Settings then Privacy & Security. From there tap a category of information, like Calendars. This will show you a list of apps accessing the information, and give you access to revoke the permissions accordingly.

The Importance of Keeping Permissions Updated

Data Privacy

Apps with unnecessary or excessive permissions can potentially access more of your personal data than required. This includes sensitive information like your location, contacts, and even your device’s camera and microphone. By regularly reviewing and updating app permissions, you can ensure that your data is only being shared with apps you trust and that genuinely need that level of access.

Access Control

Outdated app permissions can lead to vulnerabilities. For instance, if a previously granted permission becomes unnecessary due to app updates or changes in your usage patterns, it’s best to revoke it. This practice limits the app’s reach and strengthens your control over your device’s functionalities.

Mitigating Cyber Threats

Cyber threats such as malware and phishing attacks often exploit app vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your device. By keeping app permissions updated, you reduce the attack surface for potential cyber criminals. For example, if a malicious app gains access to your device’s camera, it can compromise your privacy by taking pictures or recording videos without your knowledge.

Battery Life and Performance

Some apps consume more resources when they have access to certain features, even when you’re not actively using those features. By limiting unnecessary permissions, you can conserve battery life and ensure your device performs optimally.

Best Practices for Managing App Permissions

  1. Regularly Review Permissions: Set aside time to review app permissions on a monthly basis. This ensures that you’re aware of the level of access each app has and whether any changes have occurred.
  2. Prioritize Permissions: During app installations, pay attention to the permissions being requested. Ask yourself whether the requested permissions align with the app’s intended functionality.
  3. Revoke Unnecessary Permissions: If you notice an app has permissions it no longer needs, revoke them. This can often be done through the app settings or by uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
  4. Keep Apps Updated: Developers frequently release updates that can include security patches and improvements. Always keep your apps updated to ensure you’re benefiting from the latest security enhancements.


Mobile app permissions play a pivotal role in maintaining your data privacy and guarding against potential cyber threats. By understanding how to check and manage these permissions, you take control of your digital life and protect your personal information. Regularly reviewing and updating app permissions is a simple yet effective step toward creating a safer mobile app experience. Remember, your permission is your power – use it wisely to safeguard your digital world and stay safe out there!